Total Access Pass
Founding Creators Prelaunch Membership
It’s time to TAP in @ Maestre. The Maestre Total Access Pass allows creators total access to our facilities, resources, and creative community.
This exclusive prelaunch is limited to 20 creators.
What’s Included
4 hours per month access to Maestre Studio Spaces
Production Studio (Led Studio)
Performance Studio (Stage)
Promotion Studio (Merchandise)
Music Studio (Recording)
Access to exclusive events, workshops, and mentoring sessions
Founding Creator’s Special Benefits
(These benefits will be at an additional fee once the prelaunch spaces have been filled).
Access to all photo, video, and audio equipment
Training to operate all studio equipment
Priority reposting and content sharing on our social media platforms
Total Access Pass
Founding Creators Prelaunch
The Maestre Total Access Pass Founding Creators is a prelaunch membership that will allow creators to reserve studio spaces for four hours per month.
Reservations will be made through Instagram DMs only at this time. No phone calls, in-person discussions, texts, or emails will be considered a reservation. You will be sent a Google Calendar reminder for your reservation time once your requested time has been confirmed. Do not show up to the studio without a Google Calendar invite as your confirmation.
Equipment Training
Note that equipment training is considered part of your studio time. Equipment training takes at least one hour per studio space and creators must demonstrate the proper usage of the studio space before being able to use the space on their own. Equipment can ONLY be used by TRAINED MEMBERS of Maestre. No non-members are allowed to utilize any of the equipment at the studio. If non-members are found using Maestre equipment, members associated with the non-member will have their memberships revoked.
Additional Hours
Additional studio hours are available at $40/hr. If you stay in space for more than 10 minutes after your reservation ends, you will be charged an additional hour.
Membership Status and Benefits
Founding Creators will be able to retain their membership pricing and benefits for up to 2 years assuming the membership stays in good standing. At 2 years from the membership start date, Maestre reserves the right to increase membership dues to current membership rates, however, the Founding Member's unique benefits will remain a part of the membership.
Creators are required to cancel 30 days in advance. Any cancellation received less than 30 days in advance from their billing date will be charged for another month.
Holding events with your Total Access Pass is a possibility!
Some things to note:
All events must be approved through Maestre before announcing publically.
Paid event ticketing will be managed by Maestre Arts. Maestre will split the profit 70/30 with the event holder.
Events will include setup and cleanup time, so factor that into the hours required to hold your event.
If a member is holding an event with one or more additional members, it is possible to combine member hours for a single event. Alternatively, members may purchase additional hours to hold the event apart from their included 4 studio hours.
Social Media Reposting
Maestre will repost stories and posts from founding member creators. Simply tag @maestrearts. Please allow 24 hours for Maestre to repost. If your post has not been shared after 24 hours, feel free to send a polite reminder. Maestre reserves the right to NOT repost a creator’s content if it is deemed inappropriate or unaligned with Maestre’s purpose and vision.
Terms and Conditions
By joining, you agree to all the terms and conditions above and understand that as the Total Access Pass membership evolves, the terms and conditions are subject to change. Any significant changes to the terms and conditions will be announced via email and/or our social media platforms.